Welcome to PassTheAux
Hi! I’m Eleanor Halls, a culture writer, editor and podcaster.
PassTheAux began as a way to encourage and platform more women writers in the music space, as I got frustrated with how few women music journalists pitched me (as music editor of the Telegraph) and felt it might be down to a confidence gap.
As PassTheAux has grown, I’ve expanded it to cover popular culture, music, media and careers, including essays and interviews with people I find interesting, nosily asking them about their professional highs and lows, and getting their advice on everything from writing tips, and self-esteem to pay and career crossroads.
Each post also comes with my list of recommendations across books, articles, TV, film, theatre, music, and more. Sometimes I also throw in the odd bar, restaurant or hotel. Whatever I can’t stop thinking about that week.
I write about twice a month, or whenever I have something to say. I am currently (always) suffering from newsletter/information overload, and only want to infiltrate your inboxes when I have some worthwhile thoughts, rather than for ‘content for content’s sake’ (as I wrote about in a recent post). In the meantime, there are plenty of posts in my archive, so do have a browse.
Please subscribe, share, and get in touch via email eleanorahalls@gmail.com or on Twitter @eleanorhalls1